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7700k + z170 gaming k6 issues

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Xaltar View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 6:27pm
It depends on the game but yes, at a certain point when most games load the CPU needs to prep a lot of engine related goodness.
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Mrobscura View Drop Down

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after flashing the beta bios things seem to be better. there still seems to be some issues but i dont think they are as prevalent as they were. also benchmarks still all seem to be in line with where this cpu should be performing so i think it might be a software issue. i am going to try reinstalling windows and see what happens.

Edited by Mrobscura - 21 Mar 2017 at 1:54pm
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Mar 2017 at 2:03pm
Awesome, let us know how it turns out.

Its easy to forget that the Kaby Lake platform is still very new given Ryzen and it's less than ideal launch. 
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Mrobscura View Drop Down

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I've since reinstalled windows, and I'm still having issues. I haven't really gotten a chance to test games yet, but while the cpu still benchmarks where it should(actually better somehow) and passes stress tests, for some reason firefox is now causing insane temp spikes and lagging and my fans seems to be ramping up at random as well.

I only have a couple of days to return the cpu, but I don't want to do that just to find out that it was a software issue, which it seems, since a defective cpu is pretty rare, and I'm still not sure it would benchmark and pass all tests if there was something wrong with it. Maybe I should try the 7.2 bios again?

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wardog View Drop Down
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What is the part number of the memory kit you have, and what slots are they in now?

The Cryorg, it came with pre-applied thermal paste?
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parsec View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote parsec Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23 Mar 2017 at 10:17pm
Originally posted by Mrobscura Mrobscura wrote:

I've since reinstalled windows, and I'm still having issues. I haven't really gotten a chance to test games yet, but while the cpu still benchmarks where it should(actually better somehow) and passes stress tests, for some reason firefox is now causing insane temp spikes and lagging and my fans seems to be ramping up at random as well.

I only have a couple of days to return the cpu, but I don't want to do that just to find out that it was a software issue, which it seems, since a defective cpu is pretty rare, and I'm still not sure it would benchmark and pass all tests if there was something wrong with it. Maybe I should try the 7.2 bios again?

I've noticed the same behavior with Firefox. I assume you install the Firefox updates when prompted to do so?

On some web pages like Comcast's home page, I'll get a message in a horizontal bar just under the URL and Search fields saying, "A web page is slowing down your browser, do you want to stop it"? At the same time as this is displayed, I see a spike in CPU usage, and of course core temperatures and the CPU fan speed increases. Clicking on Yes to stop the web page immediately brings everything back to normal. Just did it while I was typing this.

I'm also occasionally seeing a message in the same area about Adobe Flash player crashing, which may be related to Adobe Flash player crashing. I also get some lagging in response, of the keyboard for example, when certain web pages have those problems. If I don't have those web pages active in a tab in FFox, I don't have those things happen. I've had problems with Adobe Flash and Firefox in the past, on any PC platform.

One difference between Skylake and Kaby Lake processors is the Intel Speed Shift Technology feature. Yes both processors have this feature, but it is different (improved, increased) in Kaby Lake. Speed Shift causes the CPU to shift out of the higher C States (C6, C7) much faster. The shift happens much quicker than they have than any previous Intel processors. Do you have that feature enabled in the UEFI/BIOS?

Some 100 series board users have complained that they do not have the Speed Shift option in their board's UEFI/BIOS. I don't know if Speed Shift is active or not when that option is unavailable, or if Speed Shift works or not when that option is unavailable.

Speed Shift was fully implemented in Kaby Lake processors. It's only a theory of mine at this point, but I think that is the cause of the spikes in CPU temperature.

I don't know if the new UEFI/BIOS updates for your Z170 board (I'm using a Z270 board with an i7-7700K), but my board's UEFI, in the H/W Monitoring screen the CPU fan and some of the Chassis fans have new options, for Fan Step Up and Fan Step Down time delays. The Step Up and Down times range from one second to tens of seconds. I wondered what the purpose of these options were, and now I get the feeling the behavior of some Kaby Lake processors regarding the temperature spikes is at least one reason. I say some because this seems to be mainly the i7-7700K users that notice this.

If I don't have a Step Up time set to a delay of several seconds, I experience the rapid change of the CPU cooler's fan speed. There may be other factors related to this behavior, but I definitely experience the same temperature and CPU fan speed behavior that you described in certain circumstances.

I have never seen that behavior running CPU benchmarks, since that is not a situation where the processor is changing between C States.

I don't think this is a defect in your i7-7700K processors, just normal behavior. Of course, some may feel that this behavior is a defect. Wink
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Mrobscura View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mrobscura Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24 Mar 2017 at 3:50am
[URL=][/URL]the ram is F4-2400C15D-16GVR gskill 2400 ddr4 and it is in slots b2 and a2, as its been since i built the pc. memory passes windows memory test and well as memtest.

as for the cryorig h7, no it does not come with pre-applied paste, it comes with a tube of paste which i used for the 6600k as well as the 7700k. idle temps are around 30, so the cooler seems to be seated properly, and the temps do not spike during consistent load. they are a bit high, due to the h7 simply not being the best cooler on the market but they are not dangerous. plus i plan to upgrade the cooler, i just want to make sure the 7700k is running correctly before doing so.

as for firefox, before reinstalling windows i didnt have any issues with it, but now it is laggy and as i said causing temp spike into the 60s at times before dropping right back down to 30. but as mentioned this seems to be common with the 7700k(and even the 6700k) with a number of people reporting sudden temp spikes and drops.

oh, and yeah, my bios does have a speedshift option, and it is enabled. but there are no step up options for the fans, but i have them all set to full speed, so i think it might be my gpu fans that are ramping up at seemingly random times for some reason all of a sudden.

anyway, being extra cautious and paranoid, in an effort to cover all ground in regards to troubleshooting my issues I even took out the cpu just to check the socket for bent pins, but the socket looked fine. plus i dont think bent pins would cause such intermittent issues nor result in fine benchmarks and passed stress tests, would they?

i think im just going to assume its software related and keep working at it, keeping the 7700k rather than returning it just to swap the 6600k back in and risk still having issues anyway.

Edit: ive gotten a chance to try out the witcher 3 a bit, and the issue still seems to be there but im not sure its cpu related. the image gets choppy only when i seem to move the mouse while also moving the character. if i am still and move the mouse it is smooth. as well if i only move the character. the choppiness is also apparent despite framerate and times being consistent. though in regards to frametimes there are moments when it spikes for no reason causing obvious lag, as well as occasional gpu usage drops. but since the cpu usage and temps are low when these issues occur, as i said, im not sure they are cpu related.

Edited by Mrobscura - 24 Mar 2017 at 5:03am
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Mrobscura View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mrobscura Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24 Mar 2017 at 7:52am
little more of an update. ive noticed that dx12 benchmarks result in lower cpu usage, yet it hits 100 and stays there during dx11 benches. ive also tried a bit of hitman and i can get a steady 60fps and a nearly rock steady 16ms framtime while runing through a heavily populated npc area. therefore im guessing the issues are software issues.
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clubfoot View Drop Down

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Does your video card have "all" the power connectors plugged in? i.e. 6 or 8 pin.
Is the video card properly seated in the slot?
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Froggystylexz95 View Drop Down

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I had to register and add to this because I'm experiencing almost the same exact issue with a different motherboard. 

I did everything I could think of, and I tied mine down to the polling rate of the mouse. If I run a polling rate of 1000 on my G502, it's horrid and games/windows stutters non-stop no matter what. If I turn down the polling rate to 175, it's not nearly as bad and is actually playable, but there are still small micro stutters. 

I already went ahead and started the RMA on my motherboard(haven't sent it in yet), because it seems to be something wrong with the USB side of things. 

I did what you did and ran a 3D mark and my scores turned up at almost 7k, which is pretty normal for what I have in it. 7700k + gigabyte aorus gaming k7 + 16 gb ram and 1080 GTX. But, if I try to move the mouse at all during these tests, it stutters like mad.

Did all the same stuff, though. Reset windows twice, tried running with absolutely nothing on the OS, just Nvidia drivers and still stuttered in games. Reset defaults in the bios. 

It's a brand new motherboard and 7700k, and I just can't figure out the issue. If I start the computer up in diagnostic mode using msconfig, it actually works perfectly fine, but no internet or any services, etc.

I also ran a latency test and was turning up lots of software faults like you did. I just can't figure out exactly what is causing it, though. I sent in a support ticket to gigabyte, but who knows if they've ever seen it before.

The rest of the components are known good, as I only upgraded the mobo, cpu, and ram. I was running a 7600k on an asus mobo before this and it was all good. Also changing mouses does no different. Tried an MS mouse and still had stutters. Flashed newest bios, updated intel chipset and inf and everything. It's all crapped out.

I should also add, if I use a controller or just the keyboard games run perfectly fine. If I load up Battlefield 1 and just sit there or run around with the keyboard, it works  awesome. It's only the mouse that causes the stutters.

Edited by Froggystylexz95 - 25 Mar 2017 at 7:50am
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