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AR Fatal1ty 970 Performance- RAM compatibility

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dinin70 View Drop Down

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Hi guys,
Some updates.
So I placed again the Cooler and in fact there was too much Thermal Paste. I cleaned it and installed the Noctua NH1 paste as recommended (3-4mm square blob). It allowed me gain some heat there. In fact temperature at boot are about 5° lower and it gets to 60° in much more time than before.
Anyway I'm rather upset about the TX3 Evo for two reasons:
1. it can only be placed upwards or downwards on the 970 Fatal1ty which is odd... In fact, in order to maximize, as you mentioned, the airflow, the fan should be blowing Front to Back. But it's not TX3 Evo problem, it's a Motherboard problem (see link)
2. I'm extremely puzzled... The fan is actually sucking air from the heatsink rather than blowing it inside the heatsink... My brother doesn't believe me when I'm saying this but it's the case... With my hand I can clearly feel air going out of the fan and a "sucking" effect from the other side of the heatsink... Should inverse the polarity of the fan but still the direction (up/down instead of front/back) is problematic...
... As such, in order to avoid this direction problem and maximize airflow by following Front to Back airflow I decided to invest in a Noctua NH U14S (smaller than the D15 that is way too big and a waste of money for a non yet overclocked CPU --> would like to push it up once all those problem disappear). In fact most of the AM3+ Cooler follow the direction provided by the Motherboard retention module (upside / downside on the Fatal1ty) while Noctua has its own retention module on the MotherBoard.
I hope gaining some cooling there again.
Secondly, the PSU on my mother's computer died, so I decided, rather than buying her a new one, I will give her mine and I bought a modular 650w seasonic for me since I'm literally INVADED by cables... That probably doesn't help at all regarding the cooling flow inside the Tower.
Third, PertolHead, you were surprised by the frequency of the CPU and the CPU Voltage running all the time @ max frequency / Voltage. It was actually caused by the power plan that I set on "F-Stream" (specific feature of the Falat1ty). As I switched it to the "recommended" Balanced Plan the Frequency variates as well as the Voltage according to the needs. For information ;)
Fourth. I still didn't have any BSOD which is for the moment a good sign. However, while playing Endless Space (CPU intensive, GPU absolutely not intensive) I suffered a freeze after 90 minutes, but not a simple freeze where nothing moved. My screen looked like this...
It's not the first time it happens. Any clue?
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wardog View Drop Down
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Originally posted by dinin70 dinin70 wrote:

However, while playing Endless Space (CPU intensive, GPU absolutely not intensive) I suffered a freeze after 90 minutes, but not a simple freeze where nothing moved. My screen looked like this...
It's not the first time it happens. Any clue?

Your video card causing that image. I suggest you check the temps of the GPU. Shearing and tearing are card related.
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wardog View Drop Down
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Originally posted by dinin70 dinin70 wrote:

Anyway I'm rather upset about the TX3 Evo for two reasons:
1. it can only be placed upwards or downwards on the 970 Fatal1ty which is odd... In fact, in order to maximize, as you mentioned, the airflow, the fan should be blowing Front to Back. But it's not TX3 Evo problem, it's a Motherboard problem (see link)

Say what???? You're blaming the motherboard for you own not reading the manual?

WTF does everyone jump on the motherboard right off the bat? Dude, I don't and haven't owned the TX3 EVO and it took me all of 1 minute on Google to disprove your statement. Unbelievable! 1 minute!!

It indeed does fit and allow the fins/fan to orient towards the rear of the case. It takes using your brain and eyes to read the manual that comes with it. That's it. Plain and simple. It is not and ASRock problem. It is not a CoolerMaster problem. It's your problem.

Begin watching at 9:30 into the below video
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wardog View Drop Down
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I may be a little bit sorry for posting the above rant, a LITTLE bit, but jeepers man ..........

We just can not go through life so rapidly blaming others if only due to the faults of our own.
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PetrolHead View Drop Down

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Originally posted by dinin70 dinin70 wrote:

Anyway I'm rather upset about the TX3 Evo for two reasons:
1. it can only be placed upwards or downwards on the 970 Fatal1ty which is odd... In fact, in order to maximize, as you mentioned, the airflow, the fan should be blowing Front to Back. But it's not TX3 Evo problem, it's a Motherboard problem (see link)

According to the picture the cooler mountings are exactly the same they should be on an AM3+ motherboard. So, should this be a motherboard problem, then the problem is shared across ALL AM3+ motherboards that adhere to the standard setup for the cooler mountings. Also, according to the picture and the pictures I can find of TX3 Evo, a correct installation will in fact have the fan blowing air either towards the back panel (towards the VRM heatsink with the text "Performance" on it) or away from it. Thus, I'll have to agree with wardog and assume it's just incorrectly installed.

Quote 2. I'm extremely puzzled... The fan is actually sucking air from the heatsink rather than blowing it inside the heatsink... My brother doesn't believe me when I'm saying this but it's the case... With my hand I can clearly feel air going out of the fan and a "sucking" effect from the other side of the heatsink... Should inverse the polarity of the fan but still the direction (up/down instead of front/back) is problematic...

This doesn't have much of an effect in cooling the heatsink, but it does have an effect on the cooling of the VRM section. If the fan is a "sucker" then you need to place it on the side that's closer to the back panel.
Ryzen 5 1500X, ASRock AB350M Pro4, 2x8 GB G.Skill Trident Z 3466CL16, Sapphire Pulse RX Vega56 8G HBM2, Corsair RM550x, Samsung 960 EVO SSD (NVMe) 250GB, Samsung 850 EVO SSD 500 GB, Windows 10 64-bit
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dinin70 View Drop Down

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Indeed, looks like I could have done more research even though I did on other forums...
Thank you for the link but WOW. If I speak like this to my direct reports a single time despite all the questions I answered to 100 times and the provided trainings I would be insta-fired
Anyway I would like to thank you all for all your help. I believe there is nothing much that can be done.
For the sake of brining an additional stone to the problem resolution I will keep you updated.
Best regards! 
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dinin70 View Drop Down

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And by the way in fact I didn't activate Sapphire Trixx and the graphic cards activate fans more quickly only when Trixx is open. Probably there's something that can be done somewhere else (bios, or amd evolved), I'll check that later.
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PetrolHead View Drop Down

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Originally posted by dinin70 dinin70 wrote:

Thank you for the link but WOW. If I speak like this to my direct reports a single time despite all the questions I answered to 100 times and the provided trainings I would be insta-fired

Just so that there's no confusion: Me, wardog and WKjun are (AFAIK, at least) just normal forum members, just like you. We do not represent the official tech support, nor are we paid to give any sort of advice here. This is why none of us live in fear of getting insta-fired, we only fear the wrath of forum moderators. ;)

The advice we have tried to give is based on our own experiences and while it sometimes may be helpful, if you want the official ASRock tech support to comment on your case, your best bet is to send them a message through the form on their website ( Sure, the official tech support also reads these forums, but the user ASRock_TSD has so far averaged 0.22 posts per day, which says something about the chances you have of reaching them through the forum.

It's the same thing on other manufacturer's forums. People post and expect to get an official answer, when in fact the forum is more about building a community where users of a certain brand can share experiences and help each other. Sporadic help from the official tech support is just a bonus feature.
Ryzen 5 1500X, ASRock AB350M Pro4, 2x8 GB G.Skill Trident Z 3466CL16, Sapphire Pulse RX Vega56 8G HBM2, Corsair RM550x, Samsung 960 EVO SSD (NVMe) 250GB, Samsung 850 EVO SSD 500 GB, Windows 10 64-bit
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PetrolHead View Drop Down

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Maybe we should always start with a disclaimer. "I am not official tech support. I am in no way responsible for any damages or hurt feelings that might result from following my advice..." ;)
Ryzen 5 1500X, ASRock AB350M Pro4, 2x8 GB G.Skill Trident Z 3466CL16, Sapphire Pulse RX Vega56 8G HBM2, Corsair RM550x, Samsung 960 EVO SSD (NVMe) 250GB, Samsung 850 EVO SSD 500 GB, Windows 10 64-bit
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wardog View Drop Down
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Originally posted by dinin70 dinin70 wrote:

Thank you for the link but WOW. If I speak like this to my direct reports a single time despite all the questions I answered to 100 times and the provided trainings I would be insta-fired

dinin70, as PetrolHead stated, there are only two Moderators here, Zaltar and parec, that I fear while posting. I am not in any way associated with ASRock, yet PetrolHead and us others here post willingly, from experience, and maybe painfully, truthfully.

Me being me, I do sometimes post when I shouldn't. We're adults here and should have thick skin by now for as long as the internet has existed and the differing folks who post and or communicate using it. The nature of the beast.

But it gets tiring when I see folks turn on a dime and lay blame on their hardware, ASRock in this instance.

AM3(+) is so standardized that were a manufacturer, CoolerMaster in this instance, offer a product that goes so very far from the mark as to offer a cooler, your TX3 EVO, that will not mount and push hot air towards the exhaust fan but instead distribute it INSIDE the case is just ludicrous.

Sometimes we just need to stop and take inventory of what we're looking at that is confounding us and not blame the product but instead conclude that it is fact us that is us ourselves who is at error. Too, what would your Superior have said when presented with that incorrect logic? He's a Superior because of his experience.
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