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Realtek 2.5Gbe RTL8125 NDIS Reset Problem

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dakooga View Drop Down

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    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 at 4:02am
What I Have
z490 Phantom Gaming ITXTB3, Intel i9 10900k, Realtek Gaming 2.5Gbe RTL8125, 32GB Ram, SSD, 2080 Ti fe

I'm on the current 1.30 bios. This rig is not overclocked (yet) and has default BIOS settings.

I'm on Windows 10 Build 2004 using Realtek drivers v10.42.526.2020 from the official Realtek 2.5GbE v10042 06222020 archive. The same happens with ASRocks's current Realtek Lan driver ver:10038_12202019

This is a fresh install of windows currently updated; I know there's issues with 2004 but I don't think this is related those issues.

What Happens
Basically every few minutes my net connection drops and stays down for maybe 5-10 seconds... it means any Zoom/Meet/Team calls I'm on get dropped and I have to rejoin which is hugely embarrassing. If I'm playing a game then I get dropped fomr the game. It's like the net goes away.

It happens roughly every 6-10 minues but can have a few hours between resets. It seems to happen when the controller is active such during a big download like game update, playing an online game or video conferencing.

What The Event Log Says
The full error I see in the event log is:

Event ID: 10400 NDIS Reset

'The network interface "Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller" has begun resetting. There will be a momentary disruption in network connectivity while the hardware resets. Reason: The network driver detected that its hardware has stopped responding to commands. This network interface has reset XX time(s) since it was last initialized.'

Where XX is basically a number from 1 to infinity depending on how long it is since the machine was rebooted. They are roughly 6-10 mins apart but can have an hour or so between resets.

On the details tab it says:

IfGuid {f183f3bb-5047-442e-a910-85470e065bdd}
IfIndex 17
IfLuid 1689399632855040
AdapterName Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller
ResetReason 2
ResetCount XX

I won't bore you with the XML

What I've tried
- Turned off all advanced offloading and power saving options so there's no offloading, no power saving, no green ethernet all of that is turned off.
- Turned off all the WOL features and VLAN Priority features.
- Turned off system power management on the devices power management tab so its not allowed to turn off the device.

Whatever I try the Realtek 2.5Gbe RTL8125 keeps resetting in my machine and therefore dropping the connection for 5-10 seconds.

It doesn't seem to be a power saving issue (like with older Realtek NICs) since the NIC and system are definitely active when Windows resets it. Maybe the chip is over heating?
Does anyone else experience this?
Does anyone know of newer firmeware or beta firmeware in dev they're willing to let someone technical try out?
Is this a known thing?

Realtek Gaming 2.5Gbe Family Controller RTL8125 NDIS Reset Disconnect Problem ASRock z490 Phantom Gaming ITX TB3

Lastly what does this forum have 10 topics per page... it take to scan for similar issues after searching... shoudln't it have 50 -100 threads per page?

Any help would be gratefully received...

~ Koog
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ASRock_TSD View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ASRock_TSD Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 Jul 2020 at 2:56pm
Dear Dakooga,

Thanks for posting your query to the ASRock forum.

We have checked with the following configuration:
-Win10 2004 (Build 19041.329)(Latest updates)
-Realtek Lan driver ver:10038_12202019

Kindly try with the Realtek LAN driver ver.10039_05252020 that can be downloaded from the link below:

If the problem persists, will it happen while watching the youtube? How often will the LAN be disconnected?

With thanks,
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dakooga View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dakooga Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 Jul 2020 at 5:11pm
Thank you for the reply.

It seems to happen when the Realtek 2.5Gbe is working rather than idle. Using [URL=]Realtek 2.5GbE v10042 06222020 drivers[/URL] last night I went to bed but kept all the game services running (Steam, UPlay, Origin, Epic) and a torrent tool. My plan was to keep the interface busy.

When I checked the event log this morning there were many resets as you can see

They happen 2-10+ minutes apart.

It seems to happen most when several services are sending/receiving traffic. For exmaple video conferencing + google sheets/office-on-line/ gaming or downloading anything whislt video conferencing.

I will try with your v10039 drivers today and keep you posted.

I think the NIC drivers and firmware may be a bit young and not handle traffic volume or traffic variety very well yet which, if true, needs to be addressed given it's a 2.5Gbe adapter and 2.5Gbe+ switches are becoming more common and thus more and more traffic could be created.

I will post results later.

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dakooga View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dakooga Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 3:16am
After a few days of testing I can report that the NIC reset problem still happens with v10039 but I have it narrowed it down to when the connection is very busy (such when using torrent software).

It seems like the more connections are open the higher the chances are that the RTL8125 resets. It is especially noticeable when you also throw in a real time communications service such a Zoom, Skype, Meet or Teams because when the RTL8125 resets everyone sees you freeze and all comms are interrupted for a good 10 seconds but the call is not dropped.

If you're playing a game, have a browser open and on Discord (no torrents) it still happens but less frequently - once every 20-30 mins maybe, however, when it happens it is a disaster because you get dropped from the game. Discord may keep you connected but you cannot hear or say anything until the RTL8125 completes it's reset cycle.

If you are just browsing the internet and maybe have a few tabs open one of which is Youtube it's fine. You can even have Youtube and Spotify running and it does not reset.

I'm current now testing v10042 which is from the RealTek site.

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ASRock_TSD View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ASRock_TSD Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 3:45pm
Dear Dakooga,

Thanks for the reply.

We have been checking this case.

CPU 10900K used
Graphics card GTX1660
BIOS 1.30
Google Chrome --> Youtube and Internet speed test
Microsoft Edge --> y99 Chat room (We were not able to access Discord)
Furmark --> CPU and graphics card stressed.
Win10 2004
Realtek LAN driver installed from the ASRock website. (Other drivers area automatically installed the Win10)

However, we are not able to see the same problem for more than 2 hrs.
Please try to give temperature flowing to your system to check if it is not caused by the temperature that results in the reset of the LAN.

Also, try:
1. Testing a different network under the air-conditioned room to see if the problem will appear.

2. Load BIOS default with only one RAM installed to the system.

With thanks,

Edited by ASRock_TSD - 16 Jul 2020 at 3:54pm
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dakooga View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dakooga Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 10:56pm
Thank you for looking into this and trying to replicate.

I actually have a RTX 2080 ti Fe but I think I found something.

In the bios in the fan management area there is something called a VR Fan 1 that was set to silent/off.

There seems to be two fans on the MB, one in the IO block and one in the MOSFET area... are they both VR Fan 1 ? Which is the VR Fan?

I've set it to normal mode and and see it going about 2-3k RPM.

You see them in my build log here:

I will keep you posted if this reset continues after this.

As for temps I'm not seeing anything thats unusual on the MB (to be honest I didn't look at the VR stuff before. Here are the current temps after playign Division 2 for an hour with Discord for chat, chrome and youtube playing...

The dual AIO radiator is great and the RTX 2080 and CPU are undervolted about -100mV each saving 5 degrees...

I'll post again in a few days with the results. I hope the VR fan is the thing I think it is... where does the RealTek chip sit on the motherboard? My pictures are not clear enough and as you can see in the build log it's pretty tight now. If it was exposed I could try to put a small heatsink on it...

Have a good weekend.

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dakooga View Drop Down

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ARRGH you cannot edit your post!

Here is the picture of the temps after playing a game for an hours and havign a few things running at the same time.

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michaeljb20 View Drop Down

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I'm having the exact same issue with my MSI MAG B550M Mortar. Done all the usual steps like installing chipset drivers, LAN drivers, disabling all energy efficiency modes, and setting the speed to 100Mbps Full Duplex. Still resets when I put the Ethernet under any load.
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Ganendorf View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ganendorf Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Aug 2020 at 11:23pm
I too, am having the exact same issue and found this thread in my search for a resolution. I was originally running 10.35.510.2019 as my drivers for the Realtek 2.5GB card and with those drives this was very sporadic, 4-5 times in a 24 hour period. I tried installing the newer drivers and that made it a lot worse, I didn't keep those drives very long, about 2 hours and I had 4 reset messages in the System logs in that timeframe. I have a completely different mobo, it's not an ASRock board, but the same NIC controller so wanted to see if anyone found a solution. Mobo is MSI MEG x570
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dakooga View Drop Down

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Glad I'm not the only one.

@ASRock_TSD I've been running tests and comparing resulst for a couple of weeks It seem 042 drivers have a simialr behavior to 039 at least for me.

It does not seem to reset much (maybe once of twice a day) if it's just low level usage but if I'm doing any peer to peer with any of the common clients like Vuse, BigLy, µTorrent, Qtorrent, take your pick, then I start seeing the resets a lot. They happen after maybe 30-40 minutes, presumably as connection counts go up... overall I'm probably receiving less than 8MB/s from maybe 60 connections so its not really taxing.

Qtorrent seems the worst offender so if you wanted to reproduce this install that and start distributing linux isos and copyrirght free book libraries.

Once it starts resetting it does it pretty reliably every 10 minutes or so.

I really think there's a firmware/driver issue going on which can put the RTL8125 in a weird state when there's more than a few dozen connections.

For gaming, email, web browsing, streaming it seems to reset a lot less (a few times a day at most) but then why have a 2.5GB adapter to do just those things...


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