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X99 BIOS Update

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DStealth View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote DStealth Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23 Aug 2016 at 12:00am
I gave up playing with 6800k as mentioned tried all the suggestions and it overclock Cache and memory worse than the previous model w/o OC socket...makes no sense to me.
In opposite to 5820k where all went up with the new board...
I highly not recommend people to use Asrock OC socket boards until someone gives a prove they are working properly. Memory overclock is terrible also I'm PPL and not using XMP since at least 10 year when i flashed SPD on them with better timings for boards that doesn't have such 2nd and 3th

Please find a fix to overcome the issue not try to claim people they're not knowledgeable or able to do something.
Let me ask you a simple question
Your old and new(improved) board with OC soket
           x99 extereme4                                x99 extreme4/3.1
5820k Uncore 3600 mem 3050 cl15 went Uncore 4300 mem 3050 cl14
6800k Uncore 3300 mem 2750 cl13 went Uncore 3200 mem no boot with 2700 even no matter of timings 
seems normal ???

That was the reason to register in this forum
Thanks in advance.

Edit: Let's resume what i have understand from your post as directed to me:
1. Enthusiast platform from Intel is not common and for overclocking while enthusiast...
2. Bla-bla software related when already told it's a BIOS fault and not even booting with setting your old board does
3. Blaming Intel and to be glad OC is good from such lower base point as a start
4. Your customer is poor and what to expect from a 200$ matter he bought 2 models and a 450$ CPU he needs to sell already as used one...

Only for the last words used related to an end customer i would have fire you if you were my employee.

Please use appropriate language and try to help people and your customers in opposite to blaming them or someone else for such faults.
"I highly not recommend people to use Asrock OC socket boards until someone gives a prove they are working properly." - This part of my post is related with Broadwell-E CPU only

Best regards,

Edited by DStealth - 23 Aug 2016 at 7:43am
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vmali View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote vmali Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Sep 2016 at 4:01pm
I tried to update bios using web flash  and crashed, My PC fails to post, not display anything.
my MB is a  x99e-itx/ac. There are any actions that i can do in order to be operational again?

Thanks in advance.
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parsec View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote parsec Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Sep 2016 at 6:24pm
Originally posted by DStealth DStealth wrote:

I gave up playing with 6800k as mentioned tried all the suggestions and it overclock Cache and memory worse than the previous model w/o OC socket...makes no sense to me.
In opposite to 5820k where all went up with the new board...
I highly not recommend people to use Asrock OC socket boards until someone gives a prove they are working properly. Memory overclock is terrible also I'm PPL and not using XMP since at least 10 year when i flashed SPD on them with better timings for boards that doesn't have such 2nd and 3th

Please find a fix to overcome the issue not try to claim people they're not knowledgeable or able to do something.
Let me ask you a simple question
Your old and new(improved) board with OC soket
           x99 extereme4                                x99 extreme4/3.1
5820k Uncore 3600 mem 3050 cl15 went Uncore 4300 mem 3050 cl14
6800k Uncore 3300 mem 2750 cl13 went Uncore 3200 mem no boot with 2700 even no matter of timings 
seems normal ???

That was the reason to register in this forum
Thanks in advance.

Edit: Let's resume what i have understand from your post as directed to me:
1. Enthusiast platform from Intel is not common and for overclocking while enthusiast...
2. Bla-bla software related when already told it's a BIOS fault and not even booting with setting your old board does
3. Blaming Intel and to be glad OC is good from such lower base point as a start
4. Your customer is poor and what to expect from a 200$ matter he bought 2 models and a 450$ CPU he needs to sell already as used one...

Only for the last words used related to an end customer i would have fire you if you were my employee.

Please use appropriate language and try to help people and your customers in opposite to blaming them or someone else for such faults.
"I highly not recommend people to use Asrock OC socket boards until someone gives a prove they are working properly." - This part of my post is related with Broadwell-E CPU only

Best regards,

Many complaints, with very little information, and whom are you directing this to? "Your post directed at me"? Did someone reply to you in another thread? If so, what thread? Confused

Yes, Broadwell-E is not an improvement over Haswell-E, that is well known among X99 users that over clock. Given the performance of the very few Broadwell mainstream processors, that is no surprise IMO.

If "blaming Intel" is simply stating the facts that over clocks are not guaranteed, and that over clocking a processor voids the warranty (please ask Intel about this) then yes, I have blamed Intel.

Why the mother board is always the blame for the performance and ability to use hardware that is used with a mother board, I will never understand. Pinch
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DStealth View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote DStealth Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Sep 2016 at 1:24pm
And what is your explanation about this ?
<div><br></div>Your old and new(improved) board with OC soket
           x99 extereme4                                x99 extreme4/3.1
5820k Uncore 3600 mem 3050 cl15 went Uncore 4300 mem 3050 cl14
6800k Uncore 3300 mem 2750 cl13 went Uncore 3200 mem no boot with 2700 even no matter of timings 
seems normal ???<div><br></div>
Using your new board with my old CPU quite fine right now, but you have to fix this issue with Brodwell-E CPU...

Edited by DStealth - 11 Sep 2016 at 1:31pm
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wardog View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote wardog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Sep 2016 at 4:54pm
Hey there DStealth.

This is the best Broadwell-E OC guide I found while considering it for one of my new builds.

Unlike most guides, this one doesn't slant one way or another instead just laying it out there bare like.

Note their thoughts on Uncore. It's not all pretty. Uncore and a couple other concerns of yours concerning Broadwell-E are decently and fairly documented in it.

And this comes from a motherboard manufacturer. One that has to deal with what Intel offers its end-users.

Edited by wardog - 11 Sep 2016 at 4:55pm
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DStealth View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote DStealth Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Sep 2016 at 10:06pm
Super happy here, can I give you a link:
For the sheety time spend with your board and 6800k...some of my views...none of them made on the new OC socket model...

Quite happy actually with the old CPU and your board capabilities...

Edited by DStealth - 11 Sep 2016 at 10:16pm
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janwillem_v View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote janwillem_v Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 Oct 2016 at 4:39pm
I have the X99M extreme 4 and my pc also suddenly powers off after POST screen right after I update from BIOS 1.9 to 3.0 , 3.10 or 3.20. After the power down it starts itself up and freezes whill loading windows 10 x64 (1607). Even tried to reinstall Windows 10 but also freezes in this process. I reverted to 1.9 and everything works fine.
All my BIOS settings are at default.
My specs:
48 GB Samsung ECC reg mem
512GB M.2 Samsung SM961 SSD
Some sata harddrives (OZC Vertex 2 has Windows 10 on it)
GTX 960 2gb
Like the 3th post, maybe it is something because of the M.2 ssd. I cannot test it because it's a realy REALY small case and do not want to take everything out so I can get to my m.2 slot.
I'm booting from the OZC Vertex ssd (sata)

Edited by janwillem_v - 07 Oct 2016 at 4:45pm
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Xaltar View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 Oct 2016 at 6:25pm
I wouldn't advise updating your BIOS to 3.0+ unless you are planning to upgrade your CPU to a Broadwell-EP. If your system is working well with 1.9 then stick with it. If you decided to upgrade your CPU at some later date you can update to the latest BIOS then. 
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janwillem_v View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote janwillem_v Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 Oct 2016 at 8:24pm
Originally posted by Xaltar Xaltar wrote:

I wouldn't advise updating your BIOS to 3.0+ unless you are planning to upgrade your CPU to a Broadwell-EP. If your system is working well with 1.9 then stick with it. If you decided to upgrade your CPU at some later date you can update to the latest BIOS then. 
Thank you for your anwser. The only problem I have with this version is that I cannot priortise my harddisks.
Windows setup makes my M.2 primary, so when I install windows on my Vertex 2 it creates some small bootfiles on my m.2 drive.
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parsec View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote parsec Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 Oct 2016 at 8:53pm
Originally posted by janwillem_v janwillem_v wrote:

Originally posted by Xaltar Xaltar wrote:

I wouldn't advise updating your BIOS to 3.0+ unless you are planning to upgrade your CPU to a Broadwell-EP. If your system is working well with 1.9 then stick with it. If you decided to upgrade your CPU at some later date you can update to the latest BIOS then. 
Thank you for your anwser. The only problem I have with this version is that I cannot priortise my harddisks.
Windows setup makes my M.2 primary, so when I install windows on my Vertex 2 it creates some small bootfiles on my m.2 drive.

Which is why you always install Windows with ONLY the target OS drive installed, or powered up, in the PC.

As you have seen, the Windows installer has a annoying habit of putting the boot/system partition on another drive, if it can find one during the installation.

Why MSoft does this, I don't know, and have stopped speculating about it long ago. This quirk of the Windows installer is fairly well known, and continues with Windows 10.

Once this happens with your Windows installation, you can fix it with your Windows installation media. You can remove the M.2 drive (cannot otherwise remove its power, right), boot from your Windows installation media, and select Repair. That will create the boot/system partition on your Vertex 2.

After you have booted the PC successfully from the Vertex 2, connect the M.2 drive again, and delete the boot/system partition on the M.2 drive.

If you would like to use the M.2 drive for Windows, we can tell you how to do that, depending upon which M.2 drive you have.

Did you say that an earlier UEFI/BIOS version allowed you to prioritize your drives in the Boot order, but the one you use now does not?

Also, I'm glad that your "vintage" Vertex 2 SSD works fine. OCZ got a bad reputation being the beta tester for the Sandforce SSD controller, or I should say their customers were the testers. But everyone did not have problems with their products.

Edited by parsec - 07 Oct 2016 at 8:56pm
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